Virtum LLC is a major operator in the agricultural market of the Russian Federation.

We export, purchase and supply agricultural products.
We provide services in transshipment, accumulation, careful storage, delivery of agricultural products and processed products in Russia and abroad.

Procurement Department: +7 909 425-19-82

Transshipment and storage: +7 961 414-69-99

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Useful articles and news

Grain export quotas '24

The Government has set an additional part of the quota for the export of grain crops from Russia outside the Eurasian Economic Union. This measure is aimed at supporting agricultural producers. Given the record grain harvest in 2023 and sufficient supply of such products on the domestic market, agrarians will be able to make additional deliveries of their products abroad.

According to the signed decree, the additional part of the quota for exports of wheat, butter, barley, rye and corn will amount to 5 million tons. It will be valid until June 30, 2024 inclusive. The Ministry of Agriculture will distribute its volume among participants in foreign trade activities.

The main part of the quota was set by the Government for the period from February 15 to June 30. It amounts to 24 million tons.

The Government approved a new quota mechanism for grain experts, including the possibility of distributing an additional part of the quota among exporters in 2023. It makes it possible to maintain an optimal balance between the domestic grain market and supplies of these products. Within the quota, grain exports are subject to a floating duty depending on the price situation, while outside the quota - to a barrier duty, which is approved annually by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Grain storage: norms, regulations standards

Types of granaries

- procurement - grain receiving complexes for temporary storage of harvest;
- base elevators - elevators where cleaning and sorting takes place according to the established quality requirements;
- transshipment - used for short-term storage of harvested crops;
- production - these are elevators for short-term storage of grain, from which it is sent for processing;
- stockyards - these are intended for long-term storage of stocks, which belong to the state reserve;

Storage standards

- store grain in batches according to its grade, class, moisture and contamination indicators; temporary storage of crops;
- constantly monitor temperature, humidity and pest infestation;
- perform fumigation to eliminate harmful insects in a timely manner;
- Ensure the tightness of the seeds inside the silos used;
- do not exceed the maximum allowable storage time for grain.

Storage methods

- dry;
- airless;
- refrigerated.

Methods of dehydration

- with the use of heat generators;
- without the use of heat generators.

Pest control

- treatment of grain masses with special compositions before storage;
- mechanical cleaning of insects by means of grids;
- observance of temperature and humidity conditions that prevent insects from reproducing.

Grain Loss Tolerance (GL). 


  • UB - natural attrition rate;
    UBPG - loss of grain mass for the previous time period;
    RAZ - difference between the current and previous storage rate
    RAZPG - difference between average and previous storage rate;
    MONTH - time period in months how much grain is stored in the elevator.
    UB is an estimated value, which can be used for storing grain masses in elevators for more than three months.

Delivery bases in the grain business

Let us consider the most common delivery bases under the contract of purchase from an agricultural producer.

SHTP sold it and forgot about it.

Benefit: Beneficial when the CCPP does not want to “worry” much about quality, quantity, discounts or simply does not understand much about it.
By selling large quantities, the benefit is obvious for the SHCP when a large quantity of grain, for example, in the warehouse is of different quality together (both bad and good).

CPT - Transportation paid to the specified destination.

The seller of a SHTP is deemed to have fulfilled its delivery obligations when it has delivered the goods to its carrier for transportation to the place of destination.
- Failure to pass on quality, and refusal to accept a particular machine, e.g. transportation losses (loading/unloading)
- Falling under quality discounts (if the quality in a particular individual shipment does not meet the contractual quality).
SHTP has sold the goods with loading into the Buyer's transport, it does not bear the risk of quantity losses.
SCSP will definitely be in the plus, if it knows its quality and what exactly it loads.

+7 (961) 423-66-67; 

Rostov office
"Rostov" 344018, Rostov-on-Don, 80, Budennovsky Ave. 1127.

Head Office
117105,Moscow, Nagatino-Sadovniki municipal district, Varshavskoe sh. 35 p. 1

Krasnodar office
"Temryuk" 353500, Krasnodar region, Temryuk, Zapadnaya street,19

Azov office
"Azov" 346789, Rostov region, the city of Azov, Pobedy street, 47D2.